2000 Branson Blast Mini-Reunion

In 2000, Cliff and Carol Glassel, Dave and Suzy Nothhouse Voye, and Don and Lona Packwood met in Branson, MO for a mini-reunion.  It was a blast.  Sandra Fry Sipes drove over from her home to spend a day with us.  The pix were recovered from the defunct StJoeCentral58 Yahoo! club.

We saw many shows. This was the ornate wash room at the Japanese violinist, Shoji's show. Dave Voye and Cliff Glassel
PreShowParty in Suzy's motel room
Pre-Show Party
A 60th birthday toast to ourselves R>L Don Packwood, Suzy Nothhouse Voye, Dave Voye, Cliff Glassel, Carol Glassel, Lona Lewis Packwood
Birthday Celebration Cliff, Suzy, Lona, Don
Suzy and Carol Glassel
Final Party
Carol and Lona
Dave and Cliff
Cliff and Don with the trout they caught
Sandy Fry Sipes and Suzy, Sandy drove over to Branson for the day.
Breakfast, Don, Lona, Carol, Cliff, Dave, Sandy, Suzy
Lona, Suzy, Sandy
Late night snack , Carol Glassel, Lona, Suzy